Daisy De Villeneuve - I Told You So

Zac Posen

Pocko Press Ltd., ISBN 9781903977194,
Hb, 128 pgs, 17 x 24cm
64 ills
Acqn. 11049
In Stock

Following the glorious international response of "He Said, She Said", best-selling author Daisy de Villeneuve is releasing her second book with the support of Topshop and published by Pocko Editions. Her disarming line drawings have drawn rave reviews from a number of critics and have been taken up as a leading light of Topshop's recent major charm offensive. 'I Told You So', is a series of short stories about different girls, what they all share in common is that they are of the same type: 'Bitch'. Partially autobiographical, Daisy de Villeneuve gives us insights into the twenty-something, singleton world of girls, dating and the cruelty of female friendships. "These girls have somehow ended up entangled in my life and the stories follow my encounters with them; always showing up at the wrong time, rude to my friends, stealing my men and taking what they can get from me. All in the name of innocence? Girls dread girls like this. 'I Told You So' is a world where the cat's claws are poised to scratch the nearest female competitor. Some of us avoid them and others attract them yet along the line, we have all been scratched!