Dracula - Illustrations By James Pyman. Four Corners Familiars 2

Bram Stoker

Four Corners Books, ISBN 9780954502577,
Hb, 416 pgs, 15 x 25cm
28 ills
Acqn. 15667
In Stock

This most famous of vampire stories is revived through a series of beautiful pencil drawings by illustrator James Pyman. For this new edition of Dracula, designer John Morgan worked in collaboration with the artist, who sketched a line or phase from each of the book’s 27 chapters. This second book in the Familiars series is made up of a series of diaries, letters and newspaper cuttings, has been typeset by Morgan with a different typeface for each character, the fonts based on those in use at the time of the book's original publication. The yellow clothbound cover echoes that of the first UK edition.