Valerie Phillips - hi you are beautiful how are you?
Longer Moon Farther, ISBN 9780954340353,
Pb, 120 pgs, 17 x 21cm
106 ills
Acqn. 23999
In Stock
Pb, 120 pgs, 17 x 21cm
106 ills
Acqn. 23999
In Stock
Phillips likes to meet people, face to face, to build pictures of them through the physical presence she brings with her camera. She trusts her instincts. The end result of hi you are beautiful how are you? is multifaceted: It is a portrait of a woman, a serious but funny, smart and elusive, fierce, fragile, feminist whose personality reaches out from the pages; It questions traditional societal expectations of female beauty, demeanour and lifestyle; and it is another string to Phillips' bow. Exposing her skill, yet again, as an exceptional portrait maker and storyteller.