Emily Ferretti - Walking In Both Directions

Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9780994388391,
Pb, 112 pgs, 21 x 28cm
Acqn. 27579
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The threshing of tensions between lineages, aesthetics, references, techniques, and their various counterpoints is at the core of art’s continual re-imagining and manifestation. During a career that has spanned the last decade, Emily Ferretti has pieced together a convincing painterly vocabulary, only to gently rephrase and remould it, time and time again. 'Walking in Both Directions' arrives at a pivotal time for the artist. Bookending a residency in New York, the paintings, drawings and installation that feature in this book not only explore her work’s increasingly abstract, complex and faceted terrains, but her growing fascination for the aesthetic, compositional, and philosophical underpinnings of American folk art.