Clare Rae - Never Standing On Two Feet
S. Bright, G. Syvret
Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9780648262824,
Hb, 96 pgs, 20 x 26cm
Acqn. 28624
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Hb, 96 pgs, 20 x 26cm
Acqn. 28624
Awaiting stock
Known for her engagement with domestic and institutional spaces, Clare Rae explores ideas of performance and gesture to interrogate and subvert dominant modes of representation. Her photographic work is informed by feminist theory and presents an alternate and often awkward experience of subjectivity and the female body, usually her own. Published in conjunction with an exhibition of her work, 'Never standing on two feet' serves both as an ode to the legendary avant-garde queer artist and writer Claude Cahun and an expansion of Rae's own performative practice, repositioning her particular mode of self-portraiture to the windswept Jersey landscape.