Juliet Beaufils - Le Large

Buck Ellison, Reba Maybury Michael Van den Abeele

After 8 Books, ISBN 9782955948613,
Pb, 206 pgs, 13 x 19cm
Acqn. 28896
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'Le Large' gathers work by French artist Julie Beaufils, plus three specially commissioned short stories by Buck Ellison, Reba Maybury, and Michael Van den Abeele. Ink drawings by Beaufils form the core of this small-format book, which deals with social tensions and emotional explosions. The figures she depicts come from memories of films or television series, sediments of mass culture, or from personal observations and experiences. Words often become part of the compositions. Their meanings depend on the images they provoke, on the relations and ruptures readers may imagine. The interpretation these open-ended works trigger makes their reading more complex, even playful.