Zhou Li - Original State Of Mind
White Cube, ISBN 9781910844373,
Pb, 96 pgs, 17 x 23cm
36 ills
Acqn. 29595
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Pb, 96 pgs, 17 x 23cm
36 ills
Acqn. 29595
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Zhou says that when she paints she imagines her subject and then communicates with it through her painting. This 'subject' could be herself, another person, an event or simply an emotion. Equally, it can derive from a kind of meditation that is stimulated by a particular moment in time or by social or political events. All of this subject matter is then consciously re-perceived as an object, reduced to pure experience based on the relationship between selfhood and the object, beyond established customs or rational rules. Zhou has described this position as akin to 'the middle of the window', suggesting that experience shapes consciousness, and she examines both. Through this approach, Zhou attempts to access original thought, which could derive from her experience as a changing entity - the 'heart' - or, at the same time, the physical world which shapes it. This inclusive approach, relating to Eastern philosophy of the mind, underpins this exhibition.