Steve Carr - Smoke Bubbles 1-58

Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9780648262893,
Pb, 60 pgs, 19 x 28cm
Acqn. 29855
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Time is perhaps the central actor in Steve Carr's wider practice. Operating somewhere between photography, moving image, and a kind of deferred mode of performance, the New Zealand artist seems to slow time to a crawl as he interweaves actions, experiments, and unlikely cultural references to create transitory, richly aesthetic moments. 'Smoke Bubbles 1-58' comprises a series Carr produced during a residency in Japan in 2010. Taking the cover of Smokey Robinson's 1973 debut LP as his inspiration, the images are both planetary and preposterous in their appearance - page after page of soap bubbles filled with cigarette smoke floating against an inky black backdrop.