Kasmin's Postcards - Markets

Trivia Press, ISBN 9781999307752,
Pb, 120 pgs, 15 x 20cm
105 ills
Acqn. 30030
In Stock

Everyone enjoys visiting markets, especially on holiday abroad when it’s a chance to see a variety of foodstuffs and goods that differ from our own and, of course, the people, the faces, that one can study and relish at ease; because the particular space and atmosphere of the market place permits staring, admiring, sampling, chatting, even photo snapping as normal behaviour. This collection of images from cards of about one hundred years ago, or more, shows markets we rarely see today, where actual producers sell their own crops directly to those who will eat them. Some of the cards are of wholesale dealings in great city agora, but most of them illustrate small human encounters often in humble settings in Africa and Asia, as well as in the agricultural paradise of old France.