Pocko Times 3 - Light Works

Pocko Press Ltd., ISBN 9781903977361,
Pb, 72 pgs, 30 x 42cm
Acqn. 30037
In Stock

Following the previous two editions of the Pocko Times, a large format art journal, this latest edition chronicles the work of arguably the world's most important photographers in the fields of documentary, staged and fine-art photography. In addition, Light Works will feature extracts from "Living in the End Times" by Slavoj Zizek, the controversial and eccentric political philosopher, considered 'the most dangerous philosopher in the West'. In his book Zizek discusses the end of Western capitalism and asks what the West must do to adapt to the society of the future. Such issues are raised within the work of Light Works, where photographers capture the very essence and importance of the photographic image in modern-day society, and explore how the medium communicates to the world.