Ronny Delrue - Correspondances #1

Philippe Van Cauteren

Sternberg Press, ISBN 9783956795190,
Pb, 292 pgs, 23 x 29cm
250 ills
Acqn. 30063
In Stock

Drawing is thinking, thinking is moving. These words summarize the layered work of Belgian artist Ronny Delrue (b. 1957). For many years, drawing has been central to his oeuvre. On the one hand, a drawing is an autonomous artwork, but on the other hand it is the direct crystallization of a fleeting line of thought that systematically opens the door to new work. Drawing is therefore not only the result, but also the engine of creativity for the artist, especially in the case of Delrue who not only "draws" with pencil and paper, but also with photographs, ceramics, and other materials.