Laith Mcgregor - Archipelago

Hamish Sawyer

Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9780987637116,
Hb, 72 pgs, 24 x 32cm
Acqn. 30097
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Laith McGregor's latest publication forges a somewhat unlikely dialogue between the artist's often divergent processes and aesthetic outcomes. Drawing on two very different but interlinked bodies of work - McGregor's long-running Island Drawings and more recent Island Collages - the book juxtaposes the Australian artist's meticulously rendered, monochromatic drawings with his spontaneous, colour-rich and playfully formal collages. 'Archipelago' skirts a line between artist book and monograph, wrangling McGregor's works in a loose, intuitive fashion, all the while affording them the critical attention they demand.