Volume 56 - Play-Bor
Archis Foundation, ISBN 9789077966662,
Pb, 70 pgs, 24 x 33cm
Acqn. 30242
In Stock
Pb, 70 pgs, 24 x 33cm
Acqn. 30242
In Stock
No longer are work and leisure separate realms. These days, playing is work and work demands play. This gamification of the workspace uses points, levels, and feedback, aiming to improve the worker's engagement, boost productivity, facilitate learning, optimise systems, and more. Through the production of playful work, gamification shapes identities that fit the needs of capitalism: enthusiastic, self-engaged, and self-exploitative subjects. This issue of 'Volume' is divided in two sections: "Powerplay", in which the renewed relations between work and leisure are explored, and "Playground", where the spatial implications of this recent focus on gaming are addressed.