Paolo Ventura - War And Flowers 2021
Danilo Montanari Editore, ISBN 9788885449718,
Pb, 22 pgs, 24 x 34cm
Acqn. 31427
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Pb, 22 pgs, 24 x 34cm
Acqn. 31427
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This unbound, large-format catalogue contains colour sketches of exactly what the title implies: flowers, and items of war such as barbed wire, bullets, and a fallen soldier's dog tags. It accompanies a 2021 exhibition at the Consadori Gallery in Milan. A poetic insert by artist Paolo Ventura explains his work's poignant essence. "Where I gather flowers, the English and the Germans fought in the summer of 1944, for months they butchered each other on those hills. They left behind ammunition, shoes, bombs, and the dead. The earth has absorbed them, enrobed them, tarnished them. Where I gather flowers, the war emerges, too."