Cardboard Lamps & Adequate Images (Building Instructions For 7 Lamps)
Temporary Press, ISBN 9789811481673,
Pb, 40 pgs, 13 x 18cm
Acqn. 31707
Awaiting stock
Pb, 40 pgs, 13 x 18cm
Acqn. 31707
Awaiting stock
Lai Yu Tong is a Singaporean artist who works primarily with images. His practice currently examines habits of consumption while living in a city. The carboard box, for instance, is a ubiquitous object in the city and the inspiration for this loop-stitched booklet of 40 pages. Within the booklet are photographs, "instructional" diagrams, and a short text by the artist. It is printed in seven "random" sequences of small, two-colour photographs that either overlay or accompany the main images, which are printed in greyscale or black. The accompanying text offers a rather demoralising outlook on global pandemic, the climate crisis, and choosing to be an artist.