Samara Scott - The Doldrums
Jeu De Paume, ISBN 9782877212519,
Hb, 88 pgs, 23 x 30cm
Language: English & French
Acqn. 32002
In Stock
Hb, 88 pgs, 23 x 30cm
Language: English & French
Acqn. 32002
In Stock
This publication focuses on the exhibition "The Doldrums" by artist Samara Scott whose work was presented at the CAPC from 18 September 2020 to 23 May 2021. This book, entirely conceived and designed as an artist's book by Samara Scott and the exhibition's curator Alice Motard, offers a rich and colourful journey into the "toxic landscape" composed of various waste that the artist recovered to produce her ambitious project in Bordeaux. An interview enlightens the reader on the whys and wherefores of this remarkable installation created for the large nave of the CAPC.