Stephan Wittmer - Tin Can

Vexer Verlag, ISBN 9783907112540,
Pb, 128 pgs, 24 x 32cm
Language: English & German
Acqn. 32706
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Stephan Wittmer's 'Tin Can' presents a selection of images taken on travels through various parts of the United States between 2012 and 2019. It evokes a feeling of being on the road, with images arranged in rapidly shifting chains of associations. One moment he could be conjuring the myth of the open road and the promise of unlimited possibilities, while the next he is demystifying it through consumerist skeletons, abandoned landscapes, and anonymous hotel rooms. Despite the heaviness emanating from allusions to the fate of the First peoples, there is also a playful handling of the material. The photos are from Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, South Dakota, and other regions.