Izabela Pluta - Nihilartikel

Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9781922545107,
Pb, 130 pgs, 24 x 32cm
Acqn. 32716
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The German term 'nihilartikel' describes intentional errors or fictitious entries in reference works such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, indexes, and maps, the purpose of which is to identify copies. For artist Izabela Pluta, the idea that the term itself could be a hoax and that fictional items might inhabit a volume of perceived knowledge is a way of grappling with concepts of authenticity, knowledge-making, representation, and the mediation of scientific artefacts through art. Her pluralistic approach to photography and engagement with specific sites and collected ephemera seeks to undermine the very nature of such pursuits towards understanding phenomena and natural forces.