From Scratch - Albanian Summer Picaresque
Rab-Rab, ISBN 9799526938974,
Pb, 144 pgs, 19 x 28cm
Acqn. 33092
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Pb, 144 pgs, 19 x 28cm
Acqn. 33092
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'From Scratch is a story of Albanian Summer': An Entertainment, an LP album released by Practical Music in London in 1984. The album was composed by Dave Smith-English experimental composer and musician, figure of the British minimalist scene, explorer of Javanese and Albanian musical traditions with the English Gamelan Orchestra and Liria which he co-founded, and a member of The Scratch Orchestra (with Brian Eno, Cornelius Cardew, John Tilbury, Keith Rowe, Michael Nyman, Michael Parsons, etc.)-, and performed by Janet Sherbourne and Jan Steele, improvised and classical musicians.