Purple 39 - NEW YORK

Purple Institute, Hb, 432 pgs, 23 x 33cm
Acqn. 33177
In Stock

"Today, a new generation of artists, musicians, designers, gallerists, and writers are taking the city by storm. Determined to make it, even though NYC is now officially the most expensive city in the world. They find spaces further and further from Manhattan, from Brooklyn to upstate, even sometimes leaving to other places, while still thinking and breathing New York. But above all, New York is a state of mind. It remains the most creative, intellectual, fearless, and transgressive city in the United States, for better or worse - in spite of the underground art scene in Detroit. Miami and its international art fair, the art collections and museums in Houston and Dallas, San Francisco and its tech explosion, and of course the artificial paradise of Los Angeles that still attracts creatives." - Olivier Zahm