David Douard - 0'THEE LIL' 0

Maurin Dietrich Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel

After 8 Books, ISBN 9782955948682,
Pb, 256 pgs, 22 x 30cm
Language: English & French
Acqn. 33469
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An intense, compelling book on the work of David Douard, assembled over the course of err... many years, conceived in close collaboration with the artist himself, and graphic designer Laure Giletti. Designed as a visual flux, the (il)logics of which continues the artist's experiments with words and figures, 0 ’THEE LIL' 0 gathers collages, Xerox works and pictures from Douard's personal archive, along with documentation covering his exhibitions and artworks since 2012. Insisting on the very motifs that are at the core of the artist's work - grinning mouths, faceless masks, blown-glass orbs - the book shows the complexity and eerie coherence of his sculpture work. In Douard's visceral approach to form, bulging shapes, broken words and found images create a new language, where the body and the machine, poetry and the daily life coalesce. 0 ’THEE LIL' 0 also gathers original texts by Maurin Dietrich (director of Kunstverein Munchen), who discusses the connection between Douard's aesthetics and the politics of the Darknet; Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel (director of Lafayette Anticipations, Paris), who unfolds the role of the flow of rumours and energy in the artist's exhibition methods; writer Romain Noel, whose poetic essay unfolds how Douard's poetics challenges common notions of the self; and curator and researcher Arnisa Zeqo, who explores the figure of youth in the artist's work.