Tomas Saraceno - WEB(S) OF LIFE - Tomas Saraceno In Collaboration

Ivory Press, ISBN 9788412279221,
Pb, 226 pgs, 16 x 24cm
Acqn. 33848
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Published on the occasion of the exhibition by Argentine multimedia artist Tomas Saraceno at the Serpentine Gallery, this book both draws from and expands on the presentation and includes new essays from writers, artists, and researchers. Two visual essays on the projects Aerocene and Ngam Du Spider Diviner complement an additional section on the dimension of the woven encounters before, during, and beyond the exhibition. Saraceno is known for work which embraces interdisciplinarity and interconnectedness across ecosystems. The publication includes texts by the artist as well as by Eduardo Kohn, Maristella Svampa, Yuk Hui, James Bridle, and others.