Cedar Lewisohn - The Seven Plagues of Seven Angels

Slimvolume, ISBN 9781910516218,
Pb, 22 pgs, 18 x 24cm
Acqn. 34380
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The Seven Plagues of Seven Angels follows The Marduk Prophecy (2020) as Cedar Lewisohn's second project for Slimvolume. If the publication's title is a direct reference to the Book of Revelation - a biblical premonition of an end of time where numerous pestilences curse the earth - then Lewisohn translates this story into an intense contemporary allegory where pandemics, environmental catastrophe, an ongoing threat of nuclear Armageddon, and unmitigated multi-faceted apocalypse prevail. Fascinated with the absolute strangeness of the Bible's Bosch-like descriptions of characters covered in loathsome soars, alien lifeforms such as beasts with seven-heads and events that include those that describe the sea turning to blood, Lewisohn's 'primitive' images - taken from reference points including African and Mesopotamian civilisations - are translated into an equally eerie image-led wordless comic book through the use of handmade woodcuts and lino prints. Depicted in red and white, the traditional colours of protest and anarchy, these oddities act as provocative representations that blur the line between human and otherworldly creatures. In essence, this work connects with contemporary culture and identity through depictions of people in states of psychosis in present-day London.