History of Sports
Jeu De Paume, ISBN 9782915704990,
Pb, 96 pgs, 22 x 31cm
Language: English & French
Acqn. 35987
Awaiting stock
Pb, 96 pgs, 22 x 31cm
Language: English & French
Acqn. 35987
Awaiting stock
From athletes staged by the Nadar studio to Clint Eastwood photographed by Xavier Lambours, the paths between athletes and photographers take many twists and turns in the collection of the Mediatheque du Patrimoine et de la Photographie (MPP). Sport and competition, highlighted in this year of the Olympics coming to France, offer a unique occasion to unearth rarely shown images that bring together photographers working on commission or pursuing personal projects, be they writer-photographers like Emile Zola, photojournalists like Guy Le Querrec and Renee Falcke, illustrators like Rene-Jacques, or visual artists like Gladys. A Story of Sport is an opportunity to discover or rediscover the sports photography held in France's national collections. It showcases, like this accompanying portfolio, a wide variety of approaches, gathering over two hundred prints by thirty professional and amateur photographers, from the 1890s to the 2000s.