Analogue Images - Rory Gardiner, Maxime Delvaux
Perimeter Editions, ISBN 9781922545329,
Pb, 80 pgs, 23 x 30cm
Acqn. 36291
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Pb, 80 pgs, 23 x 30cm
Acqn. 36291
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What is the role of contemporary photography in building space? Just where do the dialogues,
tensions, and reciprocities between photography and architecture lie? Focusing on the practice of
Australian photographer Rory Gardiner and Belgian photographer Maxime Delvaux – two central
figures in a new generation of architectural photographers – Analogue Images explores the output
of these leading practitioners and poses key questions around the underpinnings and parameters
of the broader milieu in which they work.The publication presents a comprehensive array of work by both photographers, while texts from photographers, collaborators, and critics situate the images further. The work of Gardiner and Delvaux acts as a lense through which we consume a big chunk of contemporary architecture. As such, Analogue Images is both an attempt at a critical analysis of the two photographers' work and a collection of some good architecture.