Shun Kataoka - Life Works
Akaaka Art Publishing, ISBN 9784865411843,
Hb, 100 pgs, 19 x 25cm
Language: Japanese & English
Acqn. 36342
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Hb, 100 pgs, 19 x 25cm
Language: Japanese & English
Acqn. 36342
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With inquisitive curiosity and documentarist passion, the photographic series presented in 'Life Works' explores the details and facets of a small garden. Purchased and makeshift planters nurture seeds, grass, and weeds that cover every inch of open soil, while old latticework and forgotten watering cans and other tools hint at the presence of a human gardener. This is the garden of Shun Kataoka's late grandfather. Years after his death, the decades he spent gardening in this spot are still visible, but nature is slowly erasing his traces. Here two forces intersect: plants growing wild and his grandfather's hands. The limited space embodies the unceasing intertwining of people and plants.