Attilio Solzi - New Perspectives In Western Civilization
Everyedition, ISBN 9783952489437,
Pb, 176 pgs, 15 x 21cm
Acqn. 30630
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Pb, 176 pgs, 15 x 21cm
Acqn. 30630
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Italian photographer Attilio Solzi presents an intensely conceptual study about a parallelepiped. The block of indeterminate white material that appears with the artist in this series of photographs can function as a base of a statue, the pedestal through which, climbing on it, one looks for the means to celebrate themselves. Moreover, this study of actions - the artist in relation to the block, the human body juxtaposed with the inanimate object - represents the effort of self-representation, according to Solzi. Each action is accompanied by totemic words and phrases of our contemporaneity.