Bart Lunenburg - This Creaking Floor and All The Ceilings Below
Fw:Books, ISBN 9789490119997,
Pb, 320 pgs, 17 x 24cm
Acqn. 31646
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Pb, 320 pgs, 17 x 24cm
Acqn. 31646
In Stock
Where does a book begin and a building end? 'This Creaking Floor and All the Ceilings Below' brings together many different facets from the artistic practice of Bart Lunenburg, and his explorations in the built world. Including reproductions of photographs, drawings, scale models, installations, film stills, and exhibition views, this labyrinthine book is conceived as an imaginary building. The viewer-visitor is guided along foundations, corridors, rooms brimming with sunlight, radiant windows, concealed doors, enfilades, winding staircases, banisters, and a woven wall.