Setting A Bell Ringing - After An Unmaster Class With Anne Boyer

Roland Barthes Reading Group

Ma Bibliotheque, ISBN 9781910055816,
Pb, 76 pgs, 10 x 17cm
Acqn. 33543
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This book is a demonstrative work of unmastery in response to the session of February 24, 1979, 'Setting a Bell Ringing', in The Preparation of the Novel. It is equally a response to an unmaster class with Anne Boyer, a seance convened by the Roland Barthes Reading Group as part of the symposium Poetics in Commons, convened by Sarah Bernstein and Daniel Eltringham, at the University of Sheffield in May 2019. The symposium explored the potential of literature and art to produce and reinvent shared spaces, ways of living, and forms of social and ecological cooperation.