The Mourning Lines - Tamarin Norwood
Tamarin Norwood
Ma Bibliotheque, ISBN 9781910055830,
Pb, 68 pgs, 10 x 17cm
Acqn. 33544
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Pb, 68 pgs, 10 x 17cm
Acqn. 33544
In Stock
Most of the time there was nothing physically obstructing the path of the line, so it should have been easy enough to slip the pencil along the seam with the efficiency of a scalpel. But something that was not physical held it back. Even if there was nothing for the pencil to collect up, still there was something left over, tugging at the drawing and slowing it down.
A pencil line scratched around the internal perimeter of an empty house, a biro line drawn across a bed sheet before sleep, a dozen recordings of a voice walking into the dark, a row of ink blots at the foot of a page. These acts and artefacts are what remain of nine years spent in the drawing studio. Together they describe drawing as something fluid, sightless and fractious, to do with loss, mourning, and trying--or refusing-to come up for air.