A Direction Out There. Readwalking (With) Thoreau - Emmanuelle Waeckerle

Emmanuelle Waeckerle

Ma Bibliotheque, ISBN 9781910055854,
Pb, 92 pgs, 10 x 17cm
Acqn. 33545
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Henry David Thoreau's transcendental lecture/essay, after pruning, becomes conceptual poetry with an accompanying score for reading, walking, speaking, singing, playing. A reading path leads through Thoreau's words, keeping a trace of the original text as the visible root of Emmanuelle Waeckerle's rewilding; this mise en abyme reveals endless potential paths. Readwalking describes a simultaneous act of reading and walking: reading as walking, of walking as reading, of reading a text about walking, step by step, putting one foot in front of the other, each word calling the next, following one's instinct or senses, as one is going along a reading path, as Thoreau writes, always going west, sauntering, readwalking as if one's life depended on it...